Marie and I were in the car driving back from Glen Burnie this evening when she started screaming in frustration – I think she was just tired of being in the car and her tights were bugging her and she was hungry – anyway, she screamed so loud I spoke to her sharply “Marie Patricia!” You always know it’s serious when your mom uses your first and middle name. She stopped screaming and calmed down eventually and then I heard her talking to herself a little bit – she was saying “Mommy Patricia!” Heeheeee
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Quote Board
“Look Mom, I pooped a stripe out of my bottom!” said Marie from the bathroom. I went to check, with a little bit of trepidation. There was a little strip of green tinsel – like from our Christmas garland – floating in the potty. I said that it might have just gotten in her clothes and fell in. She was disainful of my explanation and insisted that she had pooped it out. She was impressed with herself. I said, well, that’s pretty exciting! and ran to the computer.
The turning tide
Well, we kept telling her it would happen sooner or later. Today Brian got annoyed by Marie and bonked her with his cup. I think that’s the first time he’s actually retaliated!
Brian is talking now – people other than just us can understand him sometimes! He can say mommy, daddy, mee (Marie), Zeke, Noelle, bubble, ball, Elmo, shoe, sock, apple, banana, juice, no, yeah, down, tickle tickle, Dora, Boots, Diego, ow!, milk, fish, duck, quack, moo, baa and of course growl like a bear or tiger or dinosaur (sometimes sheep growl too).
All of a sudden, Marie can write her name! In capital letters, all by herself. She can write some other names too, if I tell her which letters. She thinks it is really fun. She also knows a lot of stuff I don’t realize that she knows. The other day we were in the car talking about where things come from – lemons, oranges and apples grow on trees, etc. and potatoes grow in the ground, and then she asked where grapes grow. I said “On a bush!” Didn’t want to confuse her with the whole vine thing. She immediately answered “Noooooooooooo! They grow on a VINE!”
Marie's Report Card
Today we went in for a parent-teacher conference at Marie’s preschool. Who knew, even for 3-year-olds, they create a report card. _(We live in such a competitive society…)_ Well, here it is:
Mrs. Luck said that Marie is a pleasure to have in the class, and brightens everyone’s day. She’s self-confident, and likes to be first, and to make her own voice heard. She is very comfortable in her class (a big change from the first couple weeks) and gets along well with everybody. Mrs. Luck was concerned about Marie’s maturity since she is younger than most of her classmates, but it turns out she is getting along just fine. Click it and you can see all her wonderful marks.
Birds and Bees
Today, I was asking Marie if I was her favorite daddy. (The answer should be simple, as I’m her _only_ daddy.) She said I was, but continued to tell me some things I didn’t know.
bq. Marie: “I picked you at the grocery store.”
Me: “Really? You picked me?”
Marie: “You were in the cheese part.”
Up until today, I didn’t know where daddies came from…
Brian has another tooth! That makes nine. There are three more bulging inside the gums; I’ll be they’ll pop through any day now.
It's a boy thing
Today Marie and Brian were having pudding for an afternoon snack. It comes in little cups and I was feeding Brian his to try to cut down on the mess. Well…there was only a little bit left in the cup so I let him play with it. He figured out how to put it over his mouth and suck in so it gets stuck there. All by himself! He thought it was pretty funny and so did Marie. Oh, and that mess I tried to cut down on? Yeah.
That brain is working!
This morning Marie was expounding on wht fact that I said it was a little chilly outside, and then she said, “but we eat chile… Hey – chilly, chile!”