2a. Lighthearted, silly b. joyfully elated
I knew it! It only has one L, though.
2a. Lighthearted, silly b. joyfully elated
I knew it! It only has one L, though.
Poor Brian! He is doing lots of adorable things, but somehow I’ve been next to the computer whenever Marie does something lately. He can stand by himself for at least 5 seconds now, and when you hold his hands he walks around giddilly (is that a word?) and sticks his legs straight out and way up high like he’s in a silly marching band. He also climbs on everything. Me, the cabinets, the dishwasher, fridge, stairs (again, giddilly)…
Marie is sleeping on the floor. She pulled the comforter off her bed and spread it out in front of the door in her room. Add her pink squishy pillow and kitty, and she is ready for a nap. Her head is right behind the door – I really had to squeeze as I was getting out of the room! I thought it was kind of amusing, but she said “close the door, mommy!”
Well, what do you know! They have both napped like old times the past couple days – Brian an hour or two in the morning, then both of them for an hour or two in the afternoon. Maybe it’s just the rain, or maybe last week was just a weird week. Anyhow, it’s giving me more time to lay around and watch tv and eat cupcakes.
I’m sad! I think Marie is giving up her afternoon nap. For the past three days I have put her down at the normal time, only to hear bumps and other activity going on upstairs and then she comes out of her room after about 30 minutes. I guess I can learn to live with it, but I have been spoiled by having an hour or so to myself most days (if Brian naps…) to oh, I don’t know, mop the floor alone or make dinner or check my email…
Marie told me this the other day and I paraphrased it asap in a message to Peter so I wouldn’t forget…
So apparently some whales eat backpacks and when the spaceship came by the hay and the manger the children did not ride on it.
A current translation guide:
|Dizzingworld|Disney World|
|Armpint|Arm pit|
|Mead|Need (as in I mead this)|
|Creen|Cream (ice, sour)|
Marie tried her typical trick of leaping to Laura today, but since Laura just had her surgery, she couldn’t catch her. Marie fell on her face and bit her bottom lip pretty badly. She’s doing OK, she thinks it looks funny… but every once in a while she bangs it, or eats something, and just cries… 🙁
Marie knows the correct usage of the word “either”. She’s so smart!
At first I thought he was just hungry or teething, but now I realize that big sloppy wet open mouth (containing teeth) on my face is really a big sweet baby kiss!