We told Marie after lunch today that she would get m&m’s if she pooped in the potty. It worked! We were all so proud of her. I wonder how long I’ll have to give her m&m’s for using the potty…
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My sweet little bean has figured out how to sleep on his tummy. He looks so peaceful.
I have to admit, I’m a little jealous! Brian seems to be in love with Marie’s Dora doll. I was trying to feed him on the couch and he kept breaking away to smile and google at Dora! He even gave her a big wet kiss (gnaw really) on the head.
Marie is thankfully able to entertain herself. Just now, she was laying on her back in the middle of the family room, alone, holding her feet, and singing “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”. Weirdo.
toddler wisdom
This morning, Marie found a pink scrap of paper on the table. She declared it was a whale. Then she asked where her fish was. I thought I knew where she was going with this, but I was wrong.
Me: Whales eat fish, right?
Marie: Nooooooooo!
Me: Oh, what do whales eat then?
Marie: Birdseed!
Brian and Marie have a new cousin! Hayley Alexis Arnold was born last night around 7:00 p.m. They live in Ohio, so sadly we can’t just hop in the car and see them at the hospital. Everyone is doing great, and we are so happy!
Yes, Peter taught Marie what a sphere is today at lunch. They were discussing how the table is round like a circle and her peas were round like a ball which is a sphere. I’m really embarrassed it took us so long to teach her this! I mean, she’s 2 1/2!
All Better
Marie still had a few episodes yesterday, but today she was all better. She went to Farm Preschool, ate a few bites of my steak burrito for lunch, and enjoyed playgroup at our house.
Daddy, I barfed!
Tonight Marie was awakened at 10:30pm by barfing up her dinner. She was quite scared and worried. Luckily, Mom had returned home (_I hate dealing with barf_) and we got her cleaned up, changed her bed, and got her to lay back down.
10 minutes later, the cry came down again. A repeat performance. Poor thing. I hope she feels better soon.
Preschool Open House
Tonight we went to “Centreville Day School”:http://centreville-umc.org/cds.html for the open house. Marie will be a student there in the 2006-2007 school year. We learned that there are 14 children and two adults in each class, and that children must be completely potty trained before coming to school. The clock is ticking, 8 more months Marie!!!