Marie *loves* to wash her hands. Tonight, during Brian’s bath, Marie washed her hands constantly for about 10 minutes. This isn’t the first time she’s spent some serious quality time with soap and water. Is it OCD(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)? Am I overreacting about the fact that Marie loves to play with water?

Pictures update

I’ve finally gotten around to uploading some new pictures from the last couple of months. It has been a busy month, with me being away for about two weeks, and then we all took the trip to Atlanta last week. Anyway, “click here”:http://www.hessekids.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=937 for the latest photos of the cuties!


Brian went for his 4-month checkup today. He weighs 16 lbs. 12 oz. and is 26 inches long. That’s 80th or 90th percentile! The doctor says he looks awesome! Of course we think so too. He got his shots too, and he did very well. Cried a little of course but not inconsolable. Then we went to Cox farms and got pumpkins and apple cider. It was fun but c-c-cold and even rained a little bit. Brian fell asleep in the front pack. He was many layers so I think he stayed warm enough.


My Marie is so thoughtful! After lunch we were playing in the living room, ok the playroom, and she went to her kitchen and made a hamburger and a donut. She found two plates and brought them over to me “one for mommy, one for me!” We went into the kitchen and ate them at the table. First she ate the donut and I ate the hamburger, then we switched.


We moved Brian into the real crib a couple nights ago. Marie doesn’t seem to mind at all. She wants to climb in there and play with the mobile, though. He is doing great sleeping in it at night! So far he seems to prefer his carseat for naps still, though.

The Monkey

On Saturday, Laura put Marie down for her afternoon nap. She came down and thanked me for putting the baby gate in Marie’s doorway. “I don’t know what we’d do,” she said, “if we didn’t have something to keep her in there.”

Marie appeared in the kitchen approximately 30 seconds later. She learned to climb over the gate. She has done this pretty much every day since. Sometimes once, sometimes two or three times, sometimes she gives up on the nap entirely. It’s quite inconvenient.