
Tonight while eating noodles at dinner, Marie said, “Noodles have privacy so they are good for you when you are sick.”

Also at dinner, Brian dropped his spoon (on purpose) and Marie got up out of her chair, got it and gave it back to him. We commented how that was a very nice thing to do and she said, “I had my brains good.”


Marie has been creating crayon drawings like they are going out of style this week. I got her to sit down and describe them all to me, and scanned them in and uploaded them to Flickr. “Enjoy looking at them!”:http://www.flickr.com/photos/42942388@N00/sets/72157603221394317

Free playtime

My child has a net on her head (from the Elephun game) and is crawling around on the floor with a flashlight, looking into nooks and crannies. She said she is the worker person who is looking around in things to see if they need to be cleaned. I am supposed to pretend to know she is the worker person, but not know her name. We won’t talk about how much stuff she is going to find that needs to be cleaned!

She's SOOOO sweet!

The other day I was going through some stuff in the basement and found my old Figment doll (a miniature version of “this”:http://www.mouseextra.com/wp-content/uploads/figment_1_07.jpg ) and decided to give it to Marie. I explained that it was mine when I was little, but now I thought that she would enjoy it. (The Figment ride was one of the last ones we went on during our October trip to Disneyworld.)

Just as I suspected, she loved it. She carried it around with her for days.

Last night, as she was getting ready for bed, she told me how much she loved Figment and she was so thankful for me giving it to her. Then she hopped out of bed, went to her tub of stuffed animals, said “I need to find something I _really_ love…” under her breath, and came back to the bed holding her Marie kitty.

“Here daddy, you gave me something you really loved, and so I wanted to give you something I really love. You can sleep with my Marie kitty.”

She is adamant that I take it to bed with me each night. And that I bring it to work with me so I don’t get lonely.

Big boy

Brian has been sleeping in a big boy bed since Friday night! He was so excited – for days he kept saying “Daddy did it, my bed!” The crib is still in his room just in case, but he hasn’t even looked at it.

Also, he has started calling Marie “Mawee” instead of just “Meee”.