Danielle, do you still read this?

Marie and Brian’s babysitter from last year, Danielle, is away at college this year. She got them Christmas presents but we never managed to meet up when she was home, so her mom gave them to me last week. They LOVE them! Brian has some new little people and animals. The turkey is his current favorite. Marie has a new Barbie (thank goodness because her one Barbie was getting lonely) who has a doggie! Cool! But wait – it gets even better. The doggie comes with treats that it can eat and then poop out. This is completely fascinating to someone who is three years old. Usually the doggie spends the afternoon on the kitchen table or counter eating treats and pooping for hours. Peter even figured out how you can feed it a lot of treats and then…well you can guess! I’m writing this down because I don’t like to talk about it in front of Marie because she’ll see me laughing hysterically and think I’m making fun of her.

One thought on “Danielle, do you still read this?”

  1. Yes i do still read this although not as often as i used to. Im so glad that they enjoyed the presents and just so you know i didnt realize it pooped till i was wrapping it but im glad that you are all getting some laughs out of it. And for an extra little thing im excited because im leaving radford to come home tomorrow for spring break. Ill call you to see if i can come see the kids (and the pooping dog) at some point in time…c ya soon

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